About us

Welcome to Flicker & Fetch, where every purchase brings joy to both humans and our four-legged friends. Founded with a passion for helping dogs in need, we've made it our mission to turn everyday purchases into opportunities for making a difference.

We know that small actions can create big impacts. That's why 50% of the proceeds of every sale goes directly to supporting dog rescue organizations.

This contribution helps to give abandoned and born-on-the-street dogs a second chance at finding loving homes, and financially relieving the cash-strapped organizations doing incredible work. 

Our carefully curated selection of gifts is designed to spread joy while raising awareness about the importance of animal welfare. With each product you buy, you're also sending a powerful message of compassion and hope.

Thank you for joining us on our mission to make the world a better place for dogs, one purchase at a time. Together, we can create a brighter future for our furry friends and spread love and compassion to every corner of the world.